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Most common roofing scams you should Beware of

Oct 14


It's the worst nightmare for homeowners. Someone is offering a fantastic price and guarantees dependable roofing repair in Etobicoke. So you sign the contract to start and then discover soon that you've been ripped off.


Roofer scams can be very easy to fall prey to If homeowners aren't cautious. You can stay clear of getting caught if you know what they are doing before they become a problem. Here are five roofing con artists to steer clear of:

The Roofer Who knocks on Your Door

In the hopes of gaining business, a pleasant roofer will call on doors. It is possible to get a free inspection of your roof. The roofer could proceed to cause damage to your beautiful roof to allow your insurance company to pay the costs of the repairs. A roofer might attempt to destroy your roof, even if it's in poor condition. In the worst-case scenario, your door-to-door salesman will convince you to sign a document that allows them access to your roof, but it's actually the form of a contract.


What is the takeaway? It is not advisable to sign anything or allow inspections of your property until you're insurance company has reviewed the property. Although some salespeople who sell door-to-door are honest and trustworthy, the best roofers don't require any sort of commercial. Roofers who are reputable have a constant stream of work and won't require a search for work.

Costs are increasing

The well-known scam of contractors, sometimes known as the "elevator ride" will take advantage of your confidence once more. You'll get a cheap quote that will make you want to sign the contract as soon as possible. It's a situation where it's too promising to be true. If the roofing contractor has your roof ripped into pieces and exposed, they'll often declare that they've found additional damage and that the expenses are going up. There's a chance that the cost of the materials fluctuates in a way that is not predictable. This could indicate that they're in need of more money. Your roof might be exposed, and you could find yourself obligated to spend more money. It's not an easy task.


What can you do to avoid becoming a victim of this fraud? If you think a contract may be too promising to be true do not take it up. A contract that is suitable will contain costs for roof repairs in this area in the event of need.

The Storm Chaser is a ship that chases storms

You can find pamphlets and brochures promoting repairs to your roof following the impact of a storm. They appear occasionally to make use of the growing amount of roofing options available within the region. Due to increased demand, they profit from homeowners who are having difficulties finding a roofing contractor. Storm chasers on the other hand, may perform a bad job or engage in other fraudulent practices that are discussed in this article. It's not simple to wait for a roofer, but it is best to avoid hiring the first one that shows up. Instead, seek quotations from several contractors, and then conduct some research on each one to see what other customers are saying about them, and to make sure they're licensed.

Pay Up-Front

If the roofer you hire will require a down or a part payment prior to the time they begin work be on guard. This could be a sign of poor management of money, or a desperate attempt to get the money. A lot of roofers don't require advance payment. To avoid being conned pick one of these roofers.

Repairs that don't work

Roofers are not trained to perform a top-quality job. They charge lots of money for repairs that are inexpensive and insufficient. This is true even if your roof leaks or has other indications of damage that you may not be able to observe. It is possible to avoid this scam by looking for a quality guarantee in your contract and conducting some background research about the provider. You should verify that the company has been rated with positive reviews and has a strong reputation within the community.

Learn more roofing tips to prevent scams...
Cadillac Roofing: Your Guide to the Best Asphalt Roofing Materials in 2021!