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Spring Cleaning The Roof Checklist

Dec 15

It's easy to overlook the most crucial aspects of maintaining your home when you are so enthusiastic about harvesting your harvest, planting your garden, or just moving out of your house during the season of Spring. It's not like it's going to be pretty but you'll be happy when the weather changes and your roof gets a boost to match seasonal demands.

Here are a few easy spots to start your home maintenance, both outdoors and indoors. It's always a good idea to have someone help you with minor repairs or to call a professional if necessary.


While the roof might appear externally visible but it's designed to shield what's inside. When you complete this portion of the checklist, you'll ensure damage has not already gone by unnoticed. If you find something that is beyond your control, be sure to refer to a professional who might be able to help mitigate any damage that may occur.

Inspect your entire attic. You will be able to assess the extent of any water or light that has infiltrated your attic.

You must look for signs of mildew or mold. You might find spots or smells in your attic. If you spot something unusual that isn't normal, this could be an indication of damaged roofing or a problem with the ventilation system of your home.

Check your ceilings. If water has penetrated your home and settled, it will make the way back to ground level. Stains smells or sagging ceiling finishes indicate trouble.


If you're a person with little knowledge in maintenance, it could be difficult to maintain your roof outside. Safety harnesses and proper training will reduce the risk for your roof and you. The most common issues should be dealt with by an expert. If you're planning on going yourself be sure you have safety equipment and help.

You should check the connections to your eavestrough. If they are loose or have been disconnected from the roof, they stand the chance of falling.

It is important to check to be sure that none of the eavestroughs are overflowing. This is best done in heavy rain. You can identify the location of the blockages and then fix the blockages.

Clear the eavestrough of debris. Twigs, leaves and other debris will fall throughout winter and settle in your drainage by spring. The debris can be removed by hand to increase water flow.

Remove any tree that is causing trouble. Remove any trees in contact with the walls, roof, or eavestroughing. Even tiny snags could pose an issue for your exterior particularly in the case of windy weather.

Verify the condition of your shingles. This is a major task that requires expert roofing Mississauga maintenance or replacement every 15 years. It may be time for a reshingle if yours look worse. For minor patches, consult with a professional about the next best step.

A Spring Cleaning routine will never harm regardless of whether it's outdoors or indoors. Your roof will protect not only the most valuable things in your home but your personal comfort too. Find help from professionals to maintain your roof.

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Cadillac Roofing
Etobicoke, ON M9V 2P7, Toronto, Canada
(647) 877-3144